Доброго времени суток, произошла внештатная ситуация, после перезагрузки одного из трёх серверов (EXC02) Exchange 2016 перестали реплицироваться 4 из 5 бд в DAG на данном сервере. EXC01 - сервер с активной бд - исправен, как и EXC03 c пассивными бд.
Статус бд на EXC02:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus -server EXC02
Name Status CopyQueue ReplayQueue LastInspectedLogTime ContentIndex
Length Length State
---- ------ --------- ----------- -------------------- ------------
DB04\EXC02 FailedAndSuspen 148 1 06.02.2019 14:29:04 Suspended
DB01\EXC02 FailedAndSuspen 857 1 05.02.2019 18:47:08 Suspended
DB02\EXC02 FailedAndSuspen 726 3 06.02.2019 10:11:31 Suspended
DB03\EXC02 Healthy 0 0 06.02.2019 17:34:41 Healthy
DB05\EXC02 FailedAndSuspen 160 1 06.02.2019 12:09:24 Suspended
Возобновление работы копии бд не удается произвести:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy -Identity DB04\EXC02
Сбой административной операции на стороне сервера. Работу копии базы данных нельзя восстановить из-за предыдущей неустранимой ошибки. Ошибка: At '06.02.2019 14:
29:04' the Exchange store database 'DB04' copy on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or is corrupted. For more detail about th
e failure, consult the Event log on the server for other storage and "ExchangeStoreDb" events. The passive database copy has been suspended.
[База данных: 98395d3f-98bf-4900-82de-1fba521eaf4f, Сервер: EXC02.win.inter]
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Resume-MailboxDatabaseCopy], ReplayServiceResumeBlockedException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=EXC02,RequestId=588e6dc5-25c2-452e-9994-474ddb1300d5,TimeStamp=06.02.2019 14:39:16] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-ReplayServic
eResumeBlockedException] 824ADEF3,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.ResumeDatabaseCopy
+ PSComputerName : exc02.win.inter
В журнале событий по тегу ExchangeStoreDb наблюдаю следующее:
Код события 116 - At '06.02.2019 14:25:42' the Microsoft Exchange Information Store Database 'DB04' copy on this server experienced a serious error which may have caused it to terminate its functional activity. Consult the event log on the server for other storage and "ExchangeStoreDb" events for more specific information about the failure. Recovery was not attempted
Код события 110 - At '06.02.2019 14:29:04' the Exchange store database 'DB04' copy on this server appears to be inconsistent with the active database copy or is corrupted. For more detail about the failure, consult the Event log on the server for other storage and "ExchangeStoreDb" events. The passive database copy has been suspended.
Код события 126 - At '06.02.2019 14:29:04' the Exchange store database 'DB04' copy on this server encountered an error that caused the database to be dismounted. For more detail about the failure, consult the Event log on the server for other "ExchangeStoreDb" or "msexchangerepl" events. A successful failover restored service.
Возможно ли восстановить данные бд или лучше удалить и создать бд заново?
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